Chapter I
Two lone beings sit upon a gray hill, watching the sun make its eternal retreat. Its glistening perfection is marred utterly by the curtain of decaying mountains. Although to this robot and this bird it was just another day of harmony. Each day these two watched the sun find its rest behind the mountains and each day they were thankful to have each other. ‘Each other’ is all they had, because there wasn’t anyone else. This is the world now, barren and desolate. Robot hasn’t seen another living being in more years than he can remember and Bird has only ever known Robot. Bird never got to see the world before, the world that was. Most everyone took that world for granted, Robot could never forget.
“Robot, do you think there are more like us?”
“Robot… May I ask you something?”
“Why are you always so sad?”
“Because one day you will fall from my shoulder.”
“Don’t we all die?”
“I do not.”
“Bird, I am a machine, I am not alive. I simply am.”
“Were there others before me?”
“Tell me about them.”
“There used to be a snake that would coil around my arm, a frog that would sit on my head, a rabbit that would hop by my side, a mouse that would sleep in my hand. They are all gone my dear sweet Bird and you are the last of those living things…” He gained a faraway look in his eye. Within an instant, a bright flash engulfed the horizon, Robot shuddered and looked away.
Bird chirped in his ear, “Robot what happened?”
Robot began to walk down the hill, “Nothing, I just thought I saw something.”
“Was it that ‘memory’ of the past?”
“Yes… Yes it was Bird.” Robot scratched at yellow paint on his side. It was a series of triangles that Bird did not understand, but he knew that the symbol represented a lot of pain to Robot. Bird did not like that symbol. Robot slid down against a tree, with bird still on his shoulder, and they both fell asleep.
Bird awoke in a startle; Robot was running fast down the hill. Bird did not know why, but he knew it was urgent. Sharp streaks of red shot from the hill, one of them burned into Robot’s lower shoulder creating a smoldering crater of molten metal.
“What are those things Robot?”
“They are something from the past that shouldn’t be around anymore.”
“What are they?”
“I cannot tell you, but you are in danger. They seek to harm you my dear Bird.” Robot cut to the right and dove down a manhole with Bird cradled against his chest. They slid down into a sewer filled near to the brim with a mixture of dust and ash. “We’ll be safe here tonight.”
“I am scared robot.”
Robot set Bird back on his shoulder, “Don’t be. I am watching over you.”
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